Whenever you have a fender bender or some minor accident, it’s hard to imagine your car ever looking the same again.
One of our recent customers made this comment:
“Great Job! My car looks brand new!!!!!”
That’s what we would love to hear every customer say. At Jeffrey’s Collision Center, we do our very best to restore your car after an accident.
Some other recent customers about our body shop:
- “Top-notch customer service every time!”
- “Everyone was very kind, helpful and informative.”
- “Job well done”
- “Fantastic job!!”
- “I recommend you guys whenever I can. You’re reasonably priced and the work is great. I was told it would be over a week before I got my car back for the parts. Had it in 3 days. I was so excited. Will choose you again if needed in the future.”
That last one speaks so well of our amazing Collision Center employees – they work so hard to get you your car back!
If you are in a fender bender or if you have experienced any hail damage, please call us first!
Jeffrey’s Collision Center
(817) 485-6420
5907 Denton Hwy., Watauga, TX 76148 (adjacent to Jeffrey’s Automotive Repair)