Wear Red on Fridays to Show Support for our Troops!
At Jeffrey’s Automotive, we are proud Americans!
Our front office service writers all wear red on Fridays in support of the troops! We appreciate every opportunity to thank the brave men and women of our military and their families who all sacrifice daily. We are proud of our men and women who fight for our way of life in America and we honor those who have given their lives for our freedom.
Stop by and visit any of these guys on a Friday and you’ll see them in red (in picture above, from L to R): Tony, Andy, Danny, Kevin or Jerry. On Fridays (and on any day of the week), they are eager to help you with your vehicle’s needs.
By the way, check out some of our recent customer testimonials and see these guys get rave reviews from our many happy customers!
– Kelly (in the picture, I’m in the middle!)